History Monash Inc. collects and promotes local history through exhibitions, research, local history publications and participation in community events.  Help us to preserve our local district's unique history via your membership.

Join Us

New members are welcome.  Membership includes the following benefits:

  • Invitations to History Monash Inc events, such as exhibition openings;
  • The History Monash Inc newsletter, “On Broadway”, several times per annum;
  • Weekly email newsletters of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV), which contain news of history-related events, new publications, and historical tours;
  • The email journal of the RHSV;
  • Email news from the Federation of Australian Historical Societies;
  • Email news from the Prahran Mechanics Institute (a library of Victorian history);
  • Email news from the Public Record Office of Victoria.

Membership fees are $30 from 1 July - 30 June each year, per person or family. 

Download a Membership Application/Renewal Form below


If you have any queries about membership, please contact us at [email protected].