Oakleigh General Cemetery Database
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The database in this website was compiled from records of the former Oakleigh General Cemetery, now known as Oakleigh Pioneer Memorial Park. The major source of information is derived from the Registers of Burials 1880 – 1960 held at the Public Record Office of Victoria. (PROV, Oakleigh General Cemetery Trust, VPRS 15810). Individual burial schedules contained in the registers were completed either by the Trust secretary or by the sexton/caretaker. They contain the name and date of burial for those interred and may contain the plot number of interments and other details. Early records are not always detailed, however, and numerous schedules are incomplete.
Glossary for database
A Memorial is indicated as G (a marked grave); GS (a gravestone); MI (a monumental inscription for a gravestone no longer in situ); P (a plaque).
The Burial Compartment is the part of that cemetery in which the burial was made. It suggests the religious denomination of the person interred.
Bap Baptist
C of E Church of England
Ind Independent
OD Other Denominations
Pres Presbyterian
RC Roman Catholic
Wes Wesleyan
The research and compilation of this database was conducted by Margaret Ann Sykes who first published it in her work Oakleigh General Cemetery: Interment Data 1860-1960 (2001). This work was published by the then Oakleigh & District Historical Society Inc. and has since been updated. The publication has been extracted, with her generous permission, for this online database.
Disclaimer of content
The Information of Oakleigh Pioneer Memorial Park is provided by History Monash Inc using its reasonable endeavours and is based on information available to the Society. However, History Monash Inc accepts no liability nor makes any warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of the information provided.
Additional information
This database does not provide information of gravestone or plaque inscriptions. If you require more extensive information such as inscriptions, where they exist, or by defining the location of a grave, you will need to apply to History Monash Inc. To undertake the work a fee based on an hourly rate is charged. The fee covers retrieval and handling of records and compiling of a report for the enquirer. A quote will be offered prior to conducting any research.
Fees and donations help our historical society, History Monash Inc, formerly Oakleigh & District Historical Society, to meet its goals of preserving local history for current and future generations.
The publication of this database has been made possible by History Monash Inc through the Monash Community Grants Program (2021). History Monash Inc gratefully acknowledges this support from the City of Monash.